Thursday, February 3, 2011

Journal Best Place in the World

Hands down the best place that I have been was Europe. Although I have not been a whole lot a places I can truly say that this was my faviorte. It was so different than anything I have experienced or have ever seen. You don't really know how different things are in different parts of the world until you actually experience it. I have obvioulsy read and heard a lot about Europe but seeing it first had was amazing. Our first stop on our trip was in London and I fell in love. Everything about this city was incredible. The history, the people, the all around atmosphere was something that I have never experienced before. I loved seeing the history and hearing the stories of how the places and monuments came to be. I would literally stare at things in awe thinking about how fortunate I was to be here at that very moment. I know that when I get the chance I will go back there as soon as I can and take in more of the amazing culture. Although it may sound cliche, the coolest place that we got to see while we were in Eurpoe was Paris at night. Now I really understand why it is called the city of lights. Just walking down the street every buliding was lit up in the most extravigant lights, lighting the whole city up. The display was something that I will never forget. It is forever imprinted into my mind.

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